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The people of MY religion believe....

In a time far before that of the Neanderthals', there was a group of poeple...type...things known as the ANTARCTICANS.  These were highly uncivilized beings who bore thick coats of fur, ate penguins, and had extremely bad gas as a result of poor nutrition.  However, as their gas ripped a hole in the ozone layer, global warming set in, and the ANTARCTICANS floated into the sky, lifted by their inflated bodies.  For some reason, it turns out that they were able to survive in the clouds, and form a town called HEAVEN.  They still exist today, but they look a little different.  Their gas has made them invisible (and extremely smelly), and every now and then they are hit by airplanes.  This explains the phenomena skeptics call "turbulance" -- and my people know better than to think it's "wind."  HA!  More like passing wind!
               Anyway, the facts are like this:  heaven's nothing special, unless you enjoy constipation, and the mayor is named GOD.  All the mayors are named GOD.  So there you have it.

My dad makes a stupid face when he reads this.